MP 69 Speed Englisch

MineralporLeichtputz MP 69 Speed


MineralporLeichtputz MP 69 Speed

Beschleunigter, hochergiebiger, mineralischer Leichtputz

Accelerated, high-yielding, mineral lime-cement lightweight plaster according to DIN EN 998-1 (lightweight plaster type II), with pure mineral lightweight aggregate, for highly insulating masonry, minimizes temperature and substrate influences. Allows plastering on lightweight masonry, if necessary
also without reinforcement plaster. For exterior and interior use, as well as for damp areas, suitable. More stable through-drying of the plaster layer due to CMP-Technology(r). DIN 18550: P II; DIN EN 998-1: LW, CS II, WC2.

  • Fast setting lightweight plaster type II
  • Recyclable as construction waste, as purely mineral
  • Does not require additional reinforcement filler